2018. 03.

Post date: 2018. 3. 19 오전 2:52:28

2018. 03.30.

Seongkook's recent paper, "High Performance Low-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with Atomic Layer Deposited-Yttria Stabilized Zirconia Based Sandwich Electrolyte " was selected as front cover article  and was introduced in Korean media. Many thanks to the collaborators, and congratulations on Seongkook. Jeongwoo, and Byungchan!


중앙일보: "공해 염려 없는 고성능 연료전지… 휴대폰·드론 방전 걱정 줄인다 ( http://news.joins.com/article/2249294 )

이데일리: "서울과기대 안지환 교수팀, 저온형 고체산화물 연료전지 개발" (http://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2018033012007422282)

전자신문: "서울과기대 안교수팀, 저온형 고체산화물 연료전지 상용화 물꼬"(http://www.etnews.com/20180330000209)

2018. 03. 15


2018년 1학기 개강을 기념하여 ENTeR lab 회식을 진행하였습니다.  2018년에 ENTeR lab에 들어오게 된 석사학생 및 학부 인턴 모두 환영합니다!!

2018. 03. 01.


Jeongwoo's recent paper (co-1st author, collaboration with Prof. Tae Hoon Lee at Kwangwoon Univ.) in Nanotechnology ("Atomic Layer Deposited High-k Dielectric on Graphene by Functionalization through Atmospheric Plasma Treatment") was introduced in media. Congratulations!


디지털타임스: http://www.dt.co.kr/contents.html?article_no=2018022602109952660008

한국대학신문: https://news.unn.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=185990